Život je sklopio krug |
Life has come full circle |
Tu više nema bijega |
There is no escape anymore |
Svijet je zatvorio krug |
The world has closed the circle |
Pa neka i biljka i ptica |
So may the plant and the bird |
Budu kao čovjek, drug |
Be like a human, like a friend |
| |
I grana već da postanem |
And if I became a branch |
Moje bi lišće mislilo |
My leaves would ponder |
O ne bi se samo u jesen |
Oh, and the red gold would not |
Crveno zlato lilo |
Teem only in the autumn |
| |
U kamen da se pretvorim |
If I turned into stone |
Već ne bi naš'o zaborav |
I would not be forgotten |
Bio bi na obali jedini |
I would be the only one on the shore |
Kamen zamišljen i plav |
A thinking, blue stone |
| |
Tu više nema bijega |
There is no escape anymore |
Život je sklopio krug |
Life has come full circle |
Pa neka i brijeg i suton |
So may the hill and the dusk |
Budu kao čovjek, drug |
Be like a human, like a friend |
| |
U kamen da se pretvorim |
If I turned into stone |
Već ne bi naš'o zaborav |
I would not be forgotten |
Bio bi na obali jedini |
I would be the only one on the shore |
Kamen zamišljen i plav |
A thinking, blue stone |
| |
Tu više nema bijega |
There is no escape anymore |
Život je sklopio krug |
Life has come full circle |
Pa neka i brijeg i suton |
So may the hill and the dusk |
Budu kao čovjek, drug |
Be like a human, like a friend |