Performed by: Helen & Joseph
Music by: Charles Camilleri
Lyrics by: Albert Cassola
Conductor: Charles Camilleri
Language: Maltese
Placing: 18th (48 points)



Fittixt għorrief, filosfi u poeti I searched for wise men, philosophers and poets
Biex mistoqsija lilhom saqsejt: So I could ask them this question:
"X'inhi l-imħabba kbira taż-żgħażagħ?" "What is youth's big love?"
Din it-tweġiba f'qalbi ħassejt I felt the answer in my heart
L-imħabba hi bacio, beso, Küsse Love is a kiss, a kiss, a kiss
Ħaġa li 'l qalbek tmiss u li jsejhulha "kiss" Something that touches your heart and they call it "kiss"
L-imħabba hi bewsa ħelwa zokkor Love is a kiss as sweet as sugar
Li jimbuttawha x-xofftejn waqt li jingħalqu l-għajnejn That is pushed by the lips while the eyes are shut
U waqt li l-qalb ittambar bil-ħerqa And while the heart beats with enthusiasm
U tħoss il-vini jikwu bin-nar And feels the veins burn with fire
Sew jekk tingħata ċar jew bis-serqa Whether it's given straight or it's stolen
Fin-nofs tal-lejla, fl-eqqel tan-nhar In the middle of the night, in the harshest of the day
Mort sibt il-freaks, Hell's Angels I went to find the freaks, Hell's Angels
U l-hippies u l-mistoqsija lilhom tennejt And the hippies and I also asked them my question
L-istess tweġiba dejjem ħadt minnhom I always got the same answer from them
U mbagħad fi kliem dawn kollha jien ġejt: And then in the words of all these I came to:
L-imħabba hi bacio, beso, Küsse Love is a kiss, a kiss, a kiss
Ħaż li 'l qalbek tmiss u li jsejhulha "kiss" Something that touches your heart and they call it "kiss"
L-imħabba hi bewsa helwa zokkor Love is a kiss as sweet as sugar
Li jimbuttawha x-xottejn waqt li jingħalqu l-għajnejn That is pushed by the lips while the eyes are shut
U waqt li l-qalb ittambar bil-herqa And while the heart beats with enthusiasm
U thoss il-vini jikwu bin-nar And feels the veins burn with fire
Sew jekk tingħata car jew bis-serqa Whether it's given straight or it's stolen
Fin-nofs tal-lejla, fl-eqqel tan-nhar In the middle of the night, in the harshest of the day
L-imħabba hi bacio, beso, Küsse Love is a kiss, a kiss, a kiss
Ħaż li 'l qalbek tmiss u li jsejhulha "kiss" Something that touches your heart and they call it "kiss"
L-imħabba hi bewsa helwa zokkor Love is a kiss as sweet as sugar
Li jimbuttawha x-xottejn waqt li jingħalqu l-għajnejn That is pushed by the lips while the eyes are shut
Kemm it-Taljani u kemm l-Ispanjoli The Italians and also the Spanish
L-Ġermaniżi, Ingliżi u Maltin The German, English and Maltese
Staqsejthom kollha x'jifmhu bl-imħabba I asked them all what they understood under love
U it-tweġiba tagħhom hi din: And their answer is this:
L-imħabba hi bacio, bewsa, u kiss Love is a kiss, a kiss and a kiss