Performed by: Margo, Franck Olivier, Diane Solomon,
Ireen Sheer, Malcolm & Chris Roberts
Music by: Ralph Siegel
Lyrics by: Bernd Meinunger, Jean-Michel Beriat
Conductor: Norbert Daum
Language: French
Placing: 13th (37 points)
Other versions: German, English, French/German/English

Children, Kinder, enfants

Children, children, children

Nananana... nananana... nananana nana nana... Nananana... nananana... nananana nana nana...
Nananana... nananana... nananana nana nana... Nananana... nananana... nananana nana nana...
Nananana... nananana... nananana nana nana... Nananana... nananana... nananana nana nana...
Nananana nananana... Nananana nananana...
Tous les enfants ont dans les yeux des rêves fous, des rêves bleus All children have in their eyes crazy dreams, blue dreams
Petits géants à mèches blondes, ils ont les mots d'un autre monde Little giants with blond wicks, they have the words of another world
Enfants terribles ou enfants sages, on dirait qu'ils sont en voyage Bad children or good children, we'd say they're on a holiday
Tous les enfants sont des images All children are pictures
Tous les enfants sont capitaines, ils s'appellent Mozart ou Verlaine All children are captains, they are called Mozart or Verlaine
Pendant que dort la capitale, ils s'amusent avec les étoiles While the capital is sleeping, they have fun with the stars
Petits trésors ou méchants diables, ils nous sont tous indispensables Little treasures or mean devils, they are all essential to us
Tous les enfants sont formidables All children are terrific
Enfants, montrez-nous le chemin de la vie en chantant Children, show us the path of life by singing
Donnez-nous la main Give us a hand
Tous les enfants ont dans le cœur toute la magie des explorateurs All children have all the magic of explorers in their heart
Bébés champions ou chercheurs d'or, ils voient la vie en technicolor Baby champions or gold diggers, they see life in technicolor
Sur tous les murs ils ont écrit "à bas le blues" et "viva la vie" On all walls they've written "down with blues" and "long live life"
Tous les enfants sont funambules, ils disent "je t'aime" en faisant des bulles All children are tightrope walkers, they say "I love you" while making bubbles
Tous les enfants sont magiciens, ils ont la terre au creux des mains All children are magicians, they have the earth in the hollow of their hands
(Enfants) (Children)
Avec leurs larmes de crocodile, ce sont les rois de l'an deux mille With their crocodile tears, they are the kings of the year two thousand
(Restons tous des enfants) (Let's all stay children)
Ils mangent glace et mettent feu, ils nous agacent et c'est tant mieux They eat ice and set fire, they annoy us and it's so much the better
(Amoureux et vivants) (In love and alive)
Tous les enfants sont merveilleux All children are marvellous
(Eternellement) (For eternity)
Tous les enfants ont dans les yeux des rêves fous, des rêves bleus All children have in their eyes crazy dreams, blue dreams
(Enfants) (Children)
Petits géants à mèches blondes, ils ont les mots d'un autre monde Little giants with blond wicks, they have the words of another world
(Montrez-nous le chemin) (Show us the path)
Enfants terribles ou enfants sages, on dirait qu'ils sont en voyage Bad children or good children, we'd say they're on a holiday
(De la vie en chantant) (Of life by singing)
Tous les enfants sont des images All children are pictures
(Donnez-nous la main) (Give us a hand)
Tous les enfants sont capitaines, ils s'appellent Mozart ou Verlaine All children are captains, they are called Mozart or Verlaine
Pendant que dort la capitale, ils s'amusent avec les étoiles While the capital is sleeping, they have fun with the stars
Petits trésors ou méchants diables, ils nous sont tous indispensables Little treasures or mean devils, they are all essential to us
Tous les enfants sont formidables All children are terrific
Enfants Children
(Children are loud, screaming and crying, we need to go to them when they cry) (Children are loud, screaming and crying, we need to go to them when they cry)
(Kinder sind wir, Kinder seid ihr, Kinder sind alle um uns her) (We are children, they are children, children are all around us)
Montrez-nous le chemin Show us the path
(Children are small, learn to be tall, look at them, you'll see your life go by) (Children are small, learn to be tall, look at them, you'll see your life go by)
(Kinder sind hier, Kinder sind dort, Kinder braucht diese Welt so sehr) (Children are here, children are there, the world needs children so much)
De la vie en chantant Of life by singing
(Out of their place, dirt on their face, children make everyone sing along) (Out of their place, dirt on their face, children make everyone sing along)
(Kinder sind alt, Kinder sind jung, Kinder sind kindlich und genial) (Children are old, children are young, children are childlike and brilliant)
Donnez-nous la main Give us a hand
(Sharing our dreams right to the end) (Sharing our dreams right to the end)
(Kinder, das warn wir alle mal) (Children, that's what we all are)
Enfants Children
(Children are good, children are bad, doing their best to drive you mad) (Children are good, children are bad, doing their best to drive you mad)
(Kinder sind laut, Kinder sind leis, Kinder kann oft nur ein Kind's verstehn) (Children are loud, children are quiet, children can often only understand a child)
Restons tous des enfants Let's all stay children
(Children are neat, honest and sweet, holding their dreams in people's hand) (Children are neat, honest and sweet, holding their dreams in people's hand)
(Kinder sind klein, werden schnell groß, an ihnen sieht man die Zeit vergehn) (Children are small, grow very fast, by them you see the time passing by)
Amoureux et vivants In love and alive
(Children are cute, children are wise, look at the laughter in their eyes) (Children are cute, children are wise, look at the laughter in their eyes)
(Kinder sind wild, Kinder, die sehn alles mit anderen Augen an) (Children are wild, children see everything with different eyes)
Eternellement For eternity
(Children are stars) (Children are stars)
(Kinder sind wir, Kinder seid ihr) (We are children, they are children)
Children, Kinder, enfants Children, children, children

The lyrics also contain a few words in German & English.

  • Mozart (1756–1791) - classical composer, he was showcased as a wunderkind in the courts of Europe.
  • Verlaine (1844–1896) - French poet, he began writing poetry at an early age.